An Exciting Fall for WBS: Announcing the Theater Club and the Edward P. Jones Seminar

Writers in Baltimore Schools is off to an exciting start this fall!

In the past month, we’ve kicked off 10 creative writing workshops led by Johns Hopkins University creative writing students, trained 12 writing tutors, and launched two new programs, the Theater Club and the Edward P. Jones Seminar. These programs will reach over 100 low-income Baltimore students.

Writing Workshops & Clubs
We’ve partnered with Margaret Brent, Barclay, Guilford, and Waverly Elementary/Middle Schools to offer writing workshops during the school day and writing clubs after school. These workshops/clubs meet once or twice weekly.

Theater Club
WBS’s new Theater Club is well underway at Barclay Elementary/Middle School. On Mondays and Fridays, 15 students meet to study acting and playwriting under the direction of 3 Johns Hopkins University students. Once a month, Baltimore’s own Single Carrot Theatre joins the club to teach a workshop on topics such as directing, set design, costuming, and blocking. Over the course of the year, students will write and produce an original play. Watch for upcoming announcements about the play’s spring 2011 debut.

Edward P. Jones Seminar
On November 3rd, we will kick off the Edward P. Jones Seminar, our first program for WBS alumni. In April 2011, Pulitzer Prize-winner Edward P. Jones will conduct a day of workshops with WBS alumni. To prepare, students will read Mr. Jones’s short fiction from All Aunt Hager’s Children and Lost in the City in addition to writing their own fiction.