Meet Our Instructors: John Ellis

John Ellis

Major: History

What surprises you about teaching for WBS? 
I am always surprised by how quickly my students grasp the concepts we discuss at the beginning of class and apply them to their own writing. Before class, I usually prepare a few different ways to explain each topic to the students just in case the other explanations do not speak to them. However, I almost never have to use my backup explanations because the students bring so much enthusiasm to the classroom and have such a natural instinct for writing.

Can you describe a favorite moment from teaching?

My favorite moments from teaching are definitely our group writing exercises. For much of the past semester, we have worked on creating original characters and designing stories around them. I always love seeing how my students’ personal interests and experiences shine through in their ideas, and it is so awesome to shape a story from our collective imagination. I think sharing individual pieces of writing can be intimidating, and these group activities are an excellent way to encourage collaboration and take some of the scariness out of writing. 

What’s something you really like about the school where you teach? 

I am so impressed by the amount of after-school programming there is at Mt. Royal. In my middle school, there were very few things to do outside of class, but every time I walk the halls of Mt. Royal, I see different fun activities taking place in many of the classrooms. Also, all the faculty I have met at Mt. Royal have been so helpful in my transition to teaching here. Especially in the early weeks when I did not know where anything was or what the school’s protocols were, I felt that I could always ask questions and receive assistance. 

What are some things you love? 

One thing I love doing when I'm in Baltimore is visiting different art museums. I think the city has such a vibrant art scene that I do not explore often enough. 


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