WBS in the News

Writers in Baltimore Schools Student Featured in BBC’s “Project 17” Series
It all begins with an idea.
More WBS on the web
Bi-weekly publication of poems from WBS young writers | Baltimore Beat (ongoing)
Writers in Baltimore Schools Celebrates 10 Years | OSI Baltimore (December 2019)
Nonprofit brings creative writing to City students | Johns Hopkins University News-Letter (November 2017)
Student Publication: A view of our city through profiles, poetry, and prose from Writers in Baltimore Schools | Baltimore City Paper (September 2017)
Writers Resist: Voices United | BmoreArt (January 2017)
Baltimore School Students Write in Protest and Celebration | Ploughshares (November 2016)
b’s 6th annual 10 people to watch under 30 | Baltimore Sun (August 2015)
Student Publication: Black Words Matter poetry | National Poetry Foundation, Washington Post, Real Pants (May 2015)
Writing In and Speaking Out | Kenyon Review (May 2015)
What Baltimore's Young People Have To Say About 'Thug' | Buzzfeed News (May 2015)
Notebooks Full of Beautiful Ideas | OSI Baltimore (February 2015)
“Writers in Baltimore” Brings Creative Writing Into the Classroom | Baltimore Fishbowl (September 2012)